Clients in the News

The Bent Agency stands with its clients in defense of the freedom to read and against the harms of censorship. The recent surge in attempts to ban books from public and school libraries and curricula hurts everyone, from the creators whose stories and identities are targeted to the readers whose freedom is being curtailed. We recognize that the objections to the representation of identities and experiences contained in these books are objections to the identities and experiences themselves, and we know that authors from historically excluded communities are disproportionately affected by book bans as a result. We will continue to work to make their voices heard. We also send our support to the teachers and librarians put in difficult positions by the restrictive and hurtful actions of elected officials. Book banning has no place in our society and the Bent Agency condemns it wholeheartedly.
TBA thanks the American Library Association for its excellent resources for fighting censorship and book bans.