Amber Edwards and Justin Scott

Represented by John Silbersack

As a filmmaker, Amber Edwards has produced and directed seventeen critically acclaimed PBS documentaries and one theatrical documentary feature.  The single film she started and did not complete became the inspiration for Forty Days and Forty Nights, her first novel, co-written with her husband Justin Scott and published in October, 2021.  Amber worked in broadcast television as an on-air host, producer, and director for more than two decades while also running her own independent not-for-profit production company. She grew up in Kansas City and graduated from Yale University with a B.A. in English Literature. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and collaborator.

Justin Scott has published thirty-seven novels. He was nominated for the Edgar for Best First Novel and for Best Short Story. His sea story THE SHIPKILLER is honored in the International Thriller Writers’ Thrillers: 100 Must-Reads. Scott writes the Ben Abbott detective mysteries set in small-town Connecticut. He co-wrote nine early-20th Century Isaac Bell detective- adventures with Clive Cussler. His main pen name is Paul Garrison, under which he writes modern sea stories and, for the Robert Ludlum banner, THE JANSON COMMAND and THE JANSON OPTION. Scott’s newest work (October 2021) is his first collaboration with his wife—FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHT, A NOVEL OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER by Amber Edwards & Justin Scott.

Amber’s website | Justin’s website