George Galdorisi

Represented by John Silbersack

George Galdorisi is a career naval aviator. His thirty years of active duty service included four command tours as well as five years as a carrier strike group chief of staff. In addition to his Rick Holden thrillers, he has written several bestselling novels in the rebooted Tom Clancy’s Op-Center series, including OUT OF THE ASHES, INTO THE FIRE, SCORCHED EARTH, and DARK ZONE. With his longtime collaborator, Dick Couch, he co-authored the New York Times bestseller, TOM CLANCY PRESENTS: ACTS OF VALOR. He is also the author of THE KISSING SAILOR, which proved the identity of the two principals in Alfred Eisenstaedt’s famous photograph, and of over 300 articles in professional journals and other media.

George has received a number of national and international writing awards, including the Navy League of the United States Alfred Thayer Mahan Award for Literary Achievement, the Surface Navy Association Literary Award, the Navy League of Australia’s Annual Essay Competition, the Naval Helicopter Historical Association Mark Starr Pioneer Literary Award, and the Military Writers Society of America Silver Medal Award, among others.

George is the Director of Strategic Assessments and Technical Futures at the Navy’s Command and Control Center of Excellence in San Diego, California. He and his wife Becky live in Coronado, California.

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