John Kessel

Represented by John Silbersack

John Kessel’s fiction includes the recently published PRIDE AND PROMETHEUS, the novels THE MOON AND THE OTHER, GOOD NEWS FROM OUTER SPACE, CORRUPTING DR. NICE, and FREEDOM BEACH (with James Patrick Kelly), and the collections MEETING IN INFINITY, THE PURE PRODUCT, and THE BAUM PLAN FOR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND OTHER STORIES. His fiction has received the Nebula Award, the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, the Locus Award, the James Tiptree Jr. Award, and the Shirley Jackson Award. With James Patrick Kelly he edited the anthologies FEELING VERY STRANGE: THE SLIPSTREAM ANTHOLOGY, THE SECRET HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION, and KAFKAESQUE. 

Kessel teaches American literature and fiction writing at North Carolina State University where he helped found the MFA program in creative writing and served twice as its director. He lives with his wife, the novelist Therese Anne Fowler, in Raleigh.

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