Lynsey Hanley

Represented by Nicola Barr

Lynsey Hanley was born in Birmingham and lives in Liverpool. She is the author of ESTATES: AN INTIMATE HISTORY (Granta, 2007) and RESPECTABLE: THE EXPERIENCE OF CLASS (Penguin, 2016), and wrote the Introduction to the Penguin Modern Classics edition of Richard Hoggart's THE USES OF LITERACY (2009). Lynsey regularly makes programmes for BBC radio, including two major series on housing: Streets Apart (Radio 4, 2017) and A Home of Our Own (Radio 4, 2021). She has also written and presented two BBC radio Archive on 4 documentaries: The Search for a Common Culture (2021) and The Art of Habit (2022). She writes for The Guardian, the TLS and the Financial Times, and is a visiting fellow at Liverpool John Moores University.