Rebecca Donnelly

Represented by Molly Ker Hawn

Rebecca Donnelly was born in England, where she got to stand in the rain and wave at the Queen once, and at seven moved to California, where they don’t do things like that. She holds a master’s in library and information science from San Jose State University and worked in children's services in public libraries for 14 years. Rebecca's debut middle-grade novel, the ABA Indies Introduce selection HOW TO STAGE A CATASTROPHE, was published in 2017 by Capstone, as was her follow-up novel THE FRIENDSHIP LIE. She is also the author of several picture books from Godwin Books/Holt, including CATS ARE A LIQUID (2019), GREEN MACHINE: THE SLIGHTLY GROSS TRUTH ABOUT TURNING YOUR FOOD SCRAPS INTO GREEN ENERGY (2020), HOW SLIPPERY IS A BANANA PEEL? (2021) and SUPER SPAGHETTI (2022). Her debut middle grade nonfiction book, TOTAL GARBAGE, will be published by Godwin Books/Holt in 2022.

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