Robert Isaacs

Represented by Jenny Bent and James Mustelier

Robert Isaacs feels grateful for an adventurous life. He has escaped an angry hippo in Botswana, dodged tear gas in Jerusalem, roasted marshmallows over cooling lava in Guatemala, been run over by a boat in western Australia, and supported himself as a juggler and unicyclist on the streets of San Francisco — all excellent preparation for an author bio, but he was sidetracked into a music career instead.  Over the course of thirty years he conducted everywhere from Carnegie Hall to the Cook Islands, recorded for the BBC, released a dozen CD’s, and earned a Grammy nomination.

These days he is relieved to stay home and write.  Robert has opined for the New York, and other periodicals;  his fiction has appeared in Hindsight and The First Line.  He is the winner of Reed Magazine’s 2023 Gabriele Rico prize for nonfiction, and recently finished his second novel, a magical realist romantic comedy.

Robert lives with his wife and two daughters in Ithaca, New York.