Meira Drazin

Represented by Molly Ker Hawn

Meira Drazin grew up in Toronto, built an adult life in New York, and now lives in London with her husband and four children. She was inspired to write HONEY AND ME as she began reading her own childhood favorites to her children and realized that as an avid reader growing up in a modern Orthodox home she never saw characters like herself in books except if they had been through the Holocaust or had existed a long time ago—and that observant Jewish characters still did not exist in contemporary children’s literature. So she set out to write the kind of book she would have loved to read as a child. HONEY AND ME was the winner of the 2016 Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award, given by the Association of Jewish Libraries to an unpublished fiction manuscript with appeal to Jewish and non-Jewish readers and is forthcoming from Scholastic in 2022.
